Aimino's Amelia toolkit

Add powerful and smart functionalities to your products.

Acquire data

Collect and use data easily for your application. Aimino helps you extend your datasets artificially with missing scenarios, underpresented data.

Design system

Create a system with machine learning capacity to match your own requirements. Start with state-of-the-art systems for your application.

Optimize Models

Lean back and enjoy the automated optimization process for your applications.

Test application

Test your system on unseen data for robustness, generalization capability, intepretability.

Deploy to devices

Deploy your application to custom devices. On edge devices, on-premise or in the cloud.

Typical Time spent in ML projects

Traditional Machine Learning spent most of the time and resources on other parts but system design. Aimino Amelia toolkit supports you in data handling and ML model operation.

No Data Found

For Any data & any device

Easily create smart applications for your devices using existing and synthetic data sources.


Detect anomalies, monitor the system’s health, and act autonomously.


Search for past requirements, optimize procurement processes, check legal documents

Tabular data

Add robustness to your demands forecasts, financial frauds detections


Recognize objects, anonymize humans, detect visual defects with your vision devices.


Recognize keywords and commands, detects machine failures early on.

Deploy seamlessly & go to market quickly


Create smart applications easily and without programming skills required. Get started easily with synthetic data.

rigorous testing

Test your ML-empowered products with intensive robust tests on synthetic and real-world data. Understand and correct sources of errors


Bring Machine Learning into your product and deploy them on many devices, in the cloud or on premise.