3 Safe Ways To Bypass LinkedIn Weekly Invitation Limit in 2024

If you’re reading this, you surely came across the “You’ve reached the weekly invitation limit” message from LinkedIn after sending some connection requests. LinkedIn has implemented a new weekly invitation limit to fight spam, but there are ways to work around it. Here are three safe hacks to bypass the LinkedIn weekly invitation limit so you can avoid seeing this message again.
What is The Weekly Invitation Limit on LinkedIn?
LinkedIn has limited the number of connection requests you can send to 100–200 invites per week, down from 700 invites previously. This limit is in place to combat spam.

When Does LinkedIn Weekly Limit Reset? Your LinkedIn weekly connection limit resets exactly seven days from when you send your first invitation. For example, if you send an invite on Monday at 1 PM, it will reset the following Monday at the same time.
How Many LinkedIn Invites Can I Send Per Week? You can send 20-25 connection requests daily, totaling around 100 weekly. With a high Social Selling Index (SSI) score and an older account, you might reach up to 200 invitations per week.
Impact of the New LinkedIn Invitation Limit: This limit necessitates more strategic and personalized outreach efforts.

How To Bypass LinkedIn Weekly Connection Limit?
1. Connect with Open Profiles
One of the most underrated LinkedIn prospecting strategies is to bypass the LinkedIn invitation limit by detecting and messaging open profiles. You don’t need to be connected to an Open Profile to send a DM, and Open Profiles allow you to send unlimited InMails.
Steps to Connect with Open Profiles:
Detect Open Profiles: Use tools like Aimino when exporting leads from LinkedIn Sales Navigator to identify Open Profiles.
Message Open Profiles: Once you identify Open Profiles, you can send them free InMails without sending a connection request first.
Disclaimer: You need access to InMails, so a Premium LinkedIn Subscription (LinkedIn Sales Navigator, LinkedIn Recruiter, or LinkedIn Premium) is required.

2. Connect with Group Members and Event Attendees
The weekly connection limit does not apply to group members and event attendees. When you are part of a LinkedIn group, you can send direct messages to other members without sending a connection request first.
Steps to Connect with Group Members:
Join Relevant Groups: Look for groups containing potential customers and send a request to join.
Message Group Members: Once accepted, click on “See all” group members and send direct messages without needing to connect.
Steps to Connect with Event Attendees:
Join LinkedIn Events: Sign up for events relevant to your target audience.
Message Event Attendees: Access the list of event attendees via the Networking Tab and send direct messages.
Note: Messages to group members and event attendees will land in the Message Request section, not the main Inbox, potentially resulting in lower reply rates.

3. Sync LinkedIn with Your Email Contacts
Syncing your email contacts with LinkedIn allows you to send connection requests via email, bypassing the weekly invitation limit.
Steps to Sync Email Contacts:
Find Emails: Use tools like Skrapp.io to find the personal emails of your prospects.
Create a New Gmail Account: Avoid mixing these contacts with your regular email by creating a new Gmail account.
Add Emails to Google Contacts: Import the emails into your new Gmail account’s Google Contacts.
Sync Contacts with LinkedIn:
Go to the “My Network” tab.
Click on “More options” in the “Add personal contacts” section.
Select your email provider and sync the contacts.

How To Send More Connection Requests on LinkedIn?
1. Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile: A well-optimized profile increases your connection request acceptance rate. Make sure your profile is professional and clearly communicates your value proposition.
2. Increase Your Invitation Acceptance Rate: Maintain a high acceptance rate by personalizing your connection requests and regularly cleaning up pending invitations. Avoid adding generic notes to connection requests, as studies have shown these often result in lower acceptance rates.
3. Publish Great Content on LinkedIn: Posting valuable content increases your visibility and credibility on LinkedIn, thereby improving your Social Selling Index (SSI) score. A higher SSI score allows you to send more connection requests.

LinkedIn’s new invitation limit requires a more strategic approach to maintain high prospecting volumes. Use the following techniques to bypass the limit safely:
Connect with Open Profiles
Connect with Group Members and Event Attendees
Sync LinkedIn with Your Email Contacts
Additionally, focus on optimizing your LinkedIn profile, increasing your invitation acceptance rate, and publishing great content to enhance your LinkedIn Social Selling Index (SSI). This will allow you to send more connection requests and improve your overall LinkedIn outreach success.